Bring it on,sister! Another kilogram flies off this week! I swear I can feel it too. There`s a dash more pep in my step.I only hear yelps emitting out from my shoes`s heels rather than the full on agonizing screams of torment from a few weeks ago. Strangers on the street would jerk round at the sudden hubbub, to which I would shake my head in fake irritation and point to my feet. What is a girl supposed to do? I was born with weak ankles.
"Mummy!" My darling Bat Girl thought out load as I towelled myself off after a shower." Your boobies would look really great if they were just a bit higher." Oh, I couldn`t agree more,my darling. But I think `a bit` is an understatement. I need a booby hanger with built in hydraulics or boobs you can just pull off in the morning and Velcro back on at the desired height and position. I don`t think my boobs like me anymore. They have developed the same temperament as seven year Bat Boy when walking outside together. Three feet ahead or behind of me but never actually next to me. Way non cool. Same with the booby twins. Three feet down near my feet or sidling under an armpit.I get them tangled in the straps of holdalls I sling over a shoulder.
"You`ll do it,Mummy!" smiles my lovely Bat Girl. She`s seven, she still does hope.
It doesn`t make it any easier living in a country where a `C` cup is seen as voluptuous. `E` is a fail on a test paper,ain`t it. And..most of the booby slings have tons of padding miraculously built in about two eye patch sized pieces of lace. I don`t want padding,I just want a ton of support. To be able to run down a street without giving myself a black eye while most of the male population eyes on. Or a cup size where one mischievous booby pops out in an unseamly and obvious fashion.
I have to face it. The boobies have relocated. Whether I like it or not. I feel a Victoria Secret splurge coming on. Something aggressive along the lines of `Push Up And Thrust` bra system or `Hang `Em Fro
The Rafters`.
Yeah, a great push up bra will help in the ole confidence stakes. I just have to make sure that I let the booby twins down gently. Any sudden shift in air pressure on that front has been known to blow out the bedroom windows.
Lol I will never complain again at having small boobs!!!! How about a sports bra you in Tokyo? ... Mind you - beware - I have had more injuries in getting the things off and on than going to the Gym. xxxxx
Hey hey,Tams! Yeah, I know too well! Managed to wrench my neck trying to get a sports thingie on once. In the cooler weather,I tend to just use duct tape!!! No good in the heat though....leaves a gooey residue behind! Enjoy your life!
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