Monday, 1 August 2011

And The Punches Just Keep Coming On Japan`s Radiating Future.

I am just a simple lass. I don`t know much about much. I am a whizz at  changing two babies at once.The record is 1minute 20 seconds and standing. . I am known for my mean bacon and chip butties...or was. These days, if someone offers you something to eat, it is considered polite to ask them where exactly they got the ingredients from.

"Yes," my Japanese mummy friend revealed to me a few weeks ago,"I called the school and they confirmed that produce from Fukushima was being used in the school lunches."  As an accord of exclamations, tinged heavily with disbelief bounced off the ceiling.   " Apparently, until the government tells them the produce isn`t okay, they will continue to use our children`s lunches."

Well, apparently, despite repeated assurances that the beef was safe, it wasn`t.  Five months on from the triple catastrophe, the government issued a ban on beef products from Fukushima only last week. Miyagi and Iwate prefectures followed this week. Today on the news, the government will test the rice crops in 19 prefectures. Officialdom hasn`t even cast it`s beady eyes on  vegetables, chicken or pork yet. I have a sinking feeling we already know the answer.

Well, message to whoever it may concern, regarding the are way too late. You couldn`t organise a piss up in a brewery. Why wasn`t there a total boycott imposed from day one. Until at least, the extent of the radiation contamination was known. It was left up to the individual prefectures to control the testing and safe distribution of food. Prefectures who rely on agriculture to sustain their economies. A bit like asking children, in a lovely soft tone, to not lick out the cake bowl while you turn your back.. Promise me....promise me,pretty please.

I keep hearing about  `the economy` and `let`s support the people in Tohoku`. How has deceit, and ineptitude on such a vast scale helped the `economy? Along with stories about certain companies buying contaminated produce then relabelling it under a different area`s name, the public is now exceptionally leery of produce from anywhere in Japan. Consumer confidence has been stomped to death by greed. I`d be more inclined to believe a report on tonight`s news that little green aliens have landed and opened up their own food halls over in Okinawa than any government uttered assurances about food. In fact, those little green aliens would probably do a rip roaring trade shipping all over Japan.

How ultimately does this help the `people of Tohoku`? Thousands of poor souls, still sitting in shelters, in makeshift cardboard compartments. Children playing in school contaminated playgrounds who should have been evacuated months ago. Talk about adding insult to grievous injury. Money talks here in Japan. Folk `s don`t figure. And the beautiful children who are Japan`s future?

"Record High Radiation Reported At Crippled Fukushima Nuclear Plant"  yet another faith inspiring top news article today. But, not to worry, the government and TEPCO  commented that they remain `On target to bring the plant to a safe shutdown in January`. What are we on target for really?. Do you actually mean to suggest that there is a plan in all of this farce?   Some coherent proactive strategy so underground that it is invisible for anyone with braincells to grasp? Years from now, will we look back and think, yeah, they really were on top of stuff?

No way are any of my kids eating school lunches from September. It`s packed lunches for us. My reason to the school. They have developed allergies. They are severely allergic to any Japanese produce until otherwise notified. .


AJ Tokyo said...

Bravo Wolfie ! Power to the people !! Xxx

Tokyo to Blackpool in one swoop. said...

Thanks, A J Tokyo! Give me a crate to stand on,please! Take care! We just had a short, sharp knock from Mother Nature this lunchtime!