Tuesday 12 July 2011

Somebody Please Rip My Clothes Off.......

.......and stone me to the brink of death with ice cubes. I am sorry Prime Minister Kan, I appreciate it`s only three but the airconditioning is going on. I swear I`ll keep it set at 27. I`ll just stand on the table, naked, my face a mere 1 inch from the vents until I feel  my body`s plumbing has aborted self destruct  mode. Thinking about it, I`d better not stand too close to any electrical appliances. I might just electrocute myself as a few gallons or so of sweat jets out of a zillion open pores. The kids would never get over it. Arriving home from school to find Mummy, butt naked, spreadeagled and toasted across the kitchen table, can of deodorant in one rigid hand.

Summer here really gets me down. SAD? What`s that? Give me a cold,frosty, grey day anytime. You can layer up or down in the cold. When it gets as hot as this, you can only layer down so far. Maybe if I lose enough weight, I can just spend the day in the chest freezer.

So, I am sorry Kan baby but the cooler is on for a while.......I will suitably punish myself later.......with a mere 300ml of beer at dinner instead of a keg.

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